Margaret River
Margaret River
Margaret River Bed And Breakfast Accommodation
A B&B is usually provided by private houses that let bedrooms or suites for short term stay, with all the hospitality of a hotel being provided by the host. A great option if you are visiting Margaret River overnight or for only a few days. Staying at a guest house or bed and breakfast is quieter and offers the comforts of home with most offering a nice home cooked meal.
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Browse Accommodation by type in Margaret River
- Apartment & studio
- Backpackers & budget
- Bed and breakfast (you are here)
- Caravan park & camping
Margaret River Guest House
Margaret River Guest House,
When arriving in Margaret River from Busselton turn right off the Bussell Highway into Tunbridge Street, immediately before the Tourism Information Centre and then first right into Valley Road.
Basildene Manor
187, Wallcliffe Road, MARGARET RIVER WA 6285, Australia,
Travelling south on Bussell Highway turn right onto Wallcliffe Road. Basildene Manor is located two minutes along Wallcliffe Road on the left.
Rosewood Guesthouse
54 Wallcliffe Road, MARGARET RIVER,
The Rosewood Guest House is located at 54 Wallcliffe Road. From Perth on Bussell Highway travel through the townsite to the top of the hill, turn right and Rosewood is located 0.7 kilometres on the right hand side. There is a small round about on the nest corner with Railway Tce if you miss our driveway you can turn safely there.
From Augusta direction, turn LEFT into Wallcliffe Road at the High School, just as you enter the townsite.
The Vintners Retreat
25 Merlot Place, MARGARET RIVER WA 6285, Australia,
Driving on Bussell Highway into Margaret River from Busselton, turn right at Tunbridge Street (Margaret River Visitor Centre is on the corner) and follow to the end. Turn right at T-junction into Railway Terrace and follow road which becomes Hermitage Drive. Turn third right into Merlot Place and second house on left (No. 25) A large cream house with poles and a verandah around. First drive has two small walls either side of the drive with Vintners Retreat on a wooden sign. CONTINUE TO THE SECOND DRIVE WHERE THERE IS A GUEST PARKING SIGN, PARK TO ONE SIDE AT THE TOP OF THE DRIVE TO TO TOP OF THE DRIVE PARK TO ONE SIDE BY THE SECOND FRENCH DOORS WHICH IS YOUR ENTRANCE.
Gilgara Retreat
3 Old Ellen Brook Road, Gracetown 6284, Australia,
From the Margaret River Visitor Centre drive north on Bussell Highway. Once past the bridge take the first road on the left (Carters Rd). Drive six kilometres to the end of Carters Road then turn left (South) onto Caves Road. Gilgara Retreat is a few metres from this corner on the right.
Heritage Trail Lodge
31 Bussell Highway, MARGARET RIVER WA 6285, Asutralia,
Margaret River is 270 kilometres (approximately 3 hours) south-west of Perth.
From Perth, take the freeway south to Bunbury and follow the signs to Busselton and then Margaret River via the bypass road.
200m after entering the Margaret River 60km/hr speed zone Heritage Trail Lodge is on the left-hand side elevated from the road. The Lodge is located 400 metres before Margaret River township.
Josephines Luxury Accommodation
43 Town View Terrace, Margaret River, WA 6285 Australia,
Josephines is conveniently located In town, just 250mtrs from the Main Street, only a 2-minute walk to shops, cafes, restaurants and is central to all regional attractions.
Silver Trees
7 Hermitage Drive, Margaret River,
Departing our office head up towards the t-junction and turn right into Wallcliffe Road. Continue along turning right at the first roundabout into Railway Terrace and continue on this road which then changes into Hermitage Drive. Continue almost to the end of this road and you can locate no 7 Hermitage on the right hand side.
Bridgefield Guest House
73 Bussell Hwy, Margaret River WA 6285, Australia,
Approaching Margaret River from Perth and Busselton, Bridgefield is located on the first street corner over the bridge (Higgins Street). Turn (left) into Higgins Street to find parking at the rear of Bridgefield. Once parked, walk over to our combined reception at Adamsons Riverside directly opposite, where we look forward to welcoming you.
Margaret River Bed and Breakfast
15 Loaring Place, Margaret River, WA 6285,
Margaret River is an easy 3hr drive from Perth via Bunbury and Busselton. But you can also come via Nannup or Pemberton. Our preferred check in is any time after 3 PM so we suggest you enjoy the journey and take it easy getting here and enjoy the many attractions along the way.
We recommend that you ignore your GPS and go direct into the town and then on to us. Once in the town, turn west into Wallcliffe Road at the top of the main street. This is the road taking you to the famous surf beaches about 10km away at Prevelly, the river mouth and Gnarabup. Wallcliffe Road intersects Caves Road at a T junction 5km west of the town. Turn Right into Caves Road. Go north along Caves Road for only 400m where you will see Loaring Place on the right. The Margaret River B&B is the only driveway on the left and there is plenty of parking.
If coming via Caves Road, you will find it is a magnificent tourist drive. It goes south from Dunsborough all the way to Augusta through the heart of the Margaret River Wine Region. You can pick up a free map of the region at the Busselton Jetty or online from Cape Naturaliste, Sugarloaf Rock, Canal Rocks, Indjidup, Gabriel Chocolate, Bettenay Nougat, Olio Bello and Gracetown are just some of the places that we think you will enjoy. Of course, there are many wineries and quite a few breweries and other attractions you can visit as well. If coming from Pemberton, then Cape Leeuwin, Jewel Cave, Hamelin Bay, Boranup Lookout are well worth visiting if you have time.
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