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Browse Bridgetown Bed And Breakfast Accommodation



Bridgetown Bed And Breakfast Accommodation

A B&B is usually provided by private houses that let bedrooms or suites for short term stay, with all the hospitality of a hotel being provided by the host. A great option if you are visiting Bridgetown overnight or for only a few days. Staying at a guest house or bed and breakfast is quieter and offers the comforts of home with most offering a nice home cooked meal.

  • The best way to book Western Australia 
  • Bookings processed right here in WA 
  • Your booking benefits the local community 
  • Quick and friendly service with expert advice 
  • Fast processing of your booking 
  • Book with us to support Western Australia tourism 

For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)



Shambhala Guesthouse

Bridgetown WA
$150 to $175 Book instantly Bridgetown 4 reviews
4 star rated
Welcome to Bridgetown's top spot. Enjoy peace and quiet at this stunning hilltop B&B, one of the highest accommodation places in Western Australia. Large air conditioned bedrooms & Guest's lounge with spectacular views across the Blackwood Valley. view more info


65 Rokewood Heights, Kangaroo Gully WA 6255 Australia

By Car: Driving into Bridgetown from Perth direction, turn left at Steere St which has the Freemason Hotel & Town hall on the left corners.
Go up Steere St to the Clovers Corner Store on the right, turn right and then next street on the left is Turner road which has our sign on top. Turn left. Go up Turner Road to the top of rise then this becomes May St on the way down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, May St flows into Kangaroo Gully Rd. Rokewood Heights is the second road on the right (again our sign is on the top of post), turn right, go to the end of Rokewood Heights, turn left and up to the very top of the hill.

Bridgetown Valley Lodge

Bridgetown WA
$160 to $180 Bridgetown 3 reviews
Bridgetown Valley Lodge – Bridgetown’s newest boutique motel - heritage listed and totally refurbished - offers guests quality accommodation with 7 stylishly appointed luxury suites each with ensuite and kitchenette. Our warm and cosy café and bright colourful alfresco deck provides a tranquil setting for the complimentary continental breakfast o... view more info


16 Phillips St, Bridgetown WA 6255 Australia

Travel south from the Visitor Centre on Hampton Street. Turn left into Phillips Street (St Paul's Anglican Church on the corner).
We are located on the corner of Phillips and Spencer Street.