Channel Manager Connections - WA Holiday Guide
Through our partnership with BookEasy, WA Holiday Guide brings you integration with channel managers. Now you can have a truly seamless experience in managing your listings.
What Is A Channel Manager?
For those who are unaware, A Channel Manager is a popular solution used by tourism operators as a central platform to manage their rates and availabilities for their inventory across multiple channels. WA Holiday Guide is one such channel by which tourism operators can distribute their products to the public. A channel manager will help make managing availabilities and prices across many different platforms a breeze. If you use a supported channel manager such as ResOnline, Room Manager and Tour Manager, your prices and availability on your WA Holiday Guide listing will also be reflected when you update it.
Through the BookEasy system, you can integrate your WA Holiday Guide listing with a channel manager, allowing you to simplify your inventory management process.
Advertise With WA Holiday Guide
Before you can integrate your channel manager, you must first have a listing with WA Holiday Guide. Our advertising package includes a webpage listing for your property on our website where you can showcase your exciting product. On the webpage, you can include prime photographs on the photo gallery, display your contact details, links to your website, your business description as well as any special facilities and your cancellation policy. Your listing will also be connected to our database and would appear in the search results when visitors search for accommodation and tours, visitors will be able to contact you directly for any enquiries before they proceed with booking. You will also have the ability to set up your inventory on the listing to show your rates, availability and any deals or seasonal specials.
If you think our advertising package is a great fit for your marketing strategy, please click on the button below to find out more about advertising with us.
Supported Channel Managers
The most popular channel managers within Australia are already supported by Bookeasy. Here is a list of the main supported channel managers that you will able to integrate your listing with:

Other channel managers supported are as follows: TravelClick, FreeLoader, Seekom, HiSite,, update247, Frontdesk, RMS, ARRA, MotelMate, Strait Reservations, newbook, Beds24, THL, BookandLink, STAAH, livn, ResPax, FareHarbor, CustomLic, GrayLine, BookingBoss, bookeo, ProCharter, TourCMS and more to come.
My Channel Manager Isn't Supported
Channel Manager integration support depends on the partnership between Bookeasy and your channel manager. If your channel manager is not supported, it is likely that working relationship has not been formed between them and Bookeasy. If you would like to see your channel manager integrated, please ask your Channel Manager to get in touch with Bookeasy.
Don't worry if your channel manager is not supported, you can still manage the rates and availability shown on your listing via our easy to use system. Feel free to get in touch with us if you require assistance, we will be more than happy to guide you through the process.
How It Works
When you sign up with WA Holiday Guide, your listing will be connected to Bookeasy's database. Bookeasy is a reputable tourism solutions provider whom we partner with, they works with many of the channel managers available in the industry to integrate their systems with the Bookeasy system. If you utilise a channel manager that Bookeasy supports, you can choose to link it to your listing with us.
As each channel managers may have different systems and procedures, the linking process may differ for different channel managers. Bookeasy has provided a helpful guide on how you can map your channel manager to your listing, click on the button below to view the guide.