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Disc Golf


Disc Golf is a free and fun activity for people of all ages and abilities. Bring your friends and family down to Hall Park on the Western Foreshore and enjoy a round of Disc Golf on the nine basket course.

Are you the owner?

For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)


Hours: 9am - 4pm


Disc Golf is played with similar rules to traditional golf, except players throw a disc from a tee sign to an elevated metal basket to complete each hole. The aim of the game is to complete the course in the least number of throws.
Print your score card before you play!

1. TEE THROWS Each hole begins with a throw from the tee pad.

2. LIE The lie is where the disc comes to rest. Subsequent throws are made from the lie.

3. THROWING ORDER The player with the lowest score on the previous hole throws first. After teeing off, the player whose lie is the furthest from the basket throws first.

4. FAIRWAY THROWS Must be made from the lie. A run-up and follow through is permitted.

5. PUTTING Within 10 metres of the basket, a player is required to remain behind the lie until the disc comes to rest.

6. COMPLETION OF HOLE A hole is complete when the disc comes to rest in the basket or chains.

7. OUT OF BOUNDS A disc is out - of - bounds (OB) when it is completely surrounded by the OB area as marked on the tee sign. A one-stroke penalty is added to the score and the next throw is taken from the point where is the disc went OB. All roads, fences and the water are out of bounds.

8. TREES If the disc comes to rest in a tree, the next throw is taken from underneath with no penalty.

8. SAFETY AND COURTESY a) Always give other pack users the right of way. b) Do not throw until other players have completed the hole. c)Check that the way is clear before making a throw. d)Be careful when retrieving discs from other activity areas. e) Respect the course - put rubbish in bins and keep the park tidy. f) Play at your own risk.

Bookings can either be made on line, over the telephone or in person at the Mandurah Visitor Centre. Please book the number of players in your group.

Cancellation Policy

We understand plans can change, so here are our conditions and policies

Disc golf is free to book and use.
A registration form must be completed and ID supplied. The discs should only be used within the City of Mandurah.
If lost broken or stolen a $50 replacement fee will be issued.


75 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah Terrace,,


The discs need to be booked and then picked up from Mandurah Visitors Centre, located on the Eastern Foreshore, 75 Mandurah Terrace.

The course is located on the Western Foreshore in Hall Park.



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