Browse WA Accommodation

Pemberton Mountain Bike Park


Pemberton Mountain Bike Park - ride in the Karri forest on hero dirt. Come For The Trees, Stay For The Experience

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For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)


Hours: Daily daylight hours


Pemberton is 327 kilometres south of Perth, 3.5 hours drive.

34.4400° S, 116.0500° E Pemberton, Coordinates

Pemberton is a stunningly beautiful town surrounded by spectacular Karri forests and farm land. It is an awesome place for mountain biking including the long distance mountain bike Munda Biddi Trail.

Pemberton Mountain Bike Park is located in the Pemberton Forest Park with the trail head located at the Pemberton Pool, Swimming Pool Road Pemberton.

The mountain bike project commenced in 2007. Funding from the SW Development Commission, the Federal Government, Dept of Health & Ageing, Lotterywest, WA Dept of Sport and Recreation and the Pemberton Visitor Centre have provided the capital to develop the mountain bike park.

There are 30 kilometres of mountain bike tracks, a set of dirt jumps and a pump track. The aim is to further develop the Pemberton Mountain Bike Park as part of the Pemberton Trail Hub, situated around the high quality mountain bike tracks. The mountain bike park is open to anyone. Riders need to ride to their ability and have a well maintained bike.

Pemberton is a National level ride destination, part of the Western Australian South West Mountain Bike Master Plan. The Pemberton Forest Park and Pemberton Mountain Bike Park is maintained by volunteers.

Want to help maintain the mountain bike tracks, walk trails, or the swimming pool.

Pink Bike Video: Pemberton Mountain Bike Park Facebook Pemberton Mountain Bike Park
Web: Up to date map & trail info.

Water: Yes at the trailhead
Toilets: Yes at the trailhead
Mobile: Yes
Shops/Cafes: Yes in town
BBQ / Picnic facilities: Yes at the trailhead

Pemberton Mountain Bike Park #Hashtags
#pembertonmtbpark #trailswa

Pemberton #Hashtags
#visitpemberton #pembertonwa

South West and WA #Hashtags
#southernforests #australiassw #tourismwa #justanotherdayinwa




Pemberton Mountain Bike Park is located at the bottom of town.

The trailhead is located on Swimming Pool Road Pemberton.

The trailhead has lots of parking, toilets, picnic facilities, water, barbeques, the jump and pump track and mobile phone coverage.



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