Browse WA Accommodation

OTC Dish


Dominating the Carnarvon skyline is a huge communication satellite dish, which was opened in 1966.

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For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)


Hours: 11 - 4 most days


Although no longer used the dish still stands
as a reminder of days gone by when Carnarvon
participated in the space race and helped put man
on the moon in 1969.
It was from here that Australia also received its fi rst
satellite television broadcast. The station closed
after assisting in tracking Halley’s Comet in 1987.
The area offers a terrifi c panoramic view of the
town, plantations and surrounding countryside –
especially at sunrise or sunset.
The site is continually being upgraded by local
community groups following the offi cial opening
of the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum
(stage one) by Dr Buzz Aldrin in June 2012. Open
daily from 10am to 3pm (seasonal).


Mahony Ave, Carnarvon,


From the heart of Carnarvon, head north along Robinson Street, turn right at the Caltex Service station in to North West Coastal Highway, Mahoney Avenue is less than one kilometre away.



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