Browse WA Accommodation

Oriel Karridale Gallery


Oriel Karrdiale Gallery offers a warm welcome to our unique art gallery and working studio in the stunning location of Karridale.

Are you the owner?

For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)


Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 10.00 am to 4.00 pm


Oriel Karridale Gallery stocks original artwork by renowned Welsh artist Heather G Lowe-Sims.
Heather works on site in her studio which is attached to the gallery.
Heather studied multi media textiles, however her work encompasses many different techniques and materials.
Over her long career in the arts she has worked as a University Lecturer, Textile designer, full time artist in residence in Wales and has exhibited her art work at many galleries around the world.
Come and view her paintings, sumptuous textiles, handcrafted gifts and art cards.
We also exhibit stunning glassware, wood crafts, jewellery and metal art by local WA artists.
Heather's artwork is also on display at Hamelin Bay Winery, Karridale. Call in to view her artwork and at the same time you may wish to enjoy lunch and a glass of wine in a beautiful location.
At Karridale Gallery we have art to suit all pockets and artist owner Heather welcomes commissions.


30 Brockman Highway Karridale Western Australia 6288,


Heading South through Margaret River on the Bussell Highway towards Augusta. At Karridale turn left onto the Brockman Highway. After 250 metres Oriel Karridale Gallery will be found on the right. You cannot miss our large colourful artist palettes at the gate.



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