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Malimup Beach & Summertime Track - D'Entrecasteaux NPk


An easy 4WD trail through the coastal plain, ephemeral swamps and peppermint forest to Malimup Beach, a popular fishing destination.

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For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)


Hours: Open daily during summer and early autumn


Summertime Track is an easy, sandy 4WD only track to Malimup Springs, Black Head and Malimup Beach. Popular for fishing, particularly in the autumn salmon season, also a great destination for wildflower enthusiasts towards the end of the wildflower season as the ephemeral swamps dry out.

Informal campsites in the foredunes amongst the peppermint forest and heathland.

No pets allowed. National Park Pass entry fees apply, purchase at Northcliffe Visitor Centre prior to entry.


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From Northcliffe travel south towards Windy Harbour on Windy Harbour Rd, turn right onto Summertime Track. Drop tyre pressure and continue along track to Malimup Beach.



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