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Leeuwin Ocean Adventure


Get a taste of what it is like to sail on board Australia's largest ocean going tall ship, the STS Leeuwin II, it truly is a unique and memorable experience.



For bookings and enquiries, please visit

The STS Leeuwin II is Western Australia’s very own tall ship, a unique three-masted 1850’s style barquentine. A Youth Explorer Voyage onboard will lift a student to the next level and ensure they are given the edge to enter the workplace with the best opportunities available to them.

Our primary program is our Youth Explorer Voyages. A week-long opportunity for participants to sharpen their work-ready skills and enhance skills in communication, leadership and collaboration.

In addition to our Youth Development program, we run a range of specialised voyages and 3-hour sails.
The Leeuwin Foundation is a trusted not-for-profit organisation based in Fremantle. Since 1986 we have welcomed more than 40,000 young people onboard the STS Leeuwin II.

1. Open Adventure
When: 3-10 June 2018
Where: Monkey Mia to Geraldton
Cost: $2300
Who: Adults with a sense of adventure

Adults with a sense of adventure – no sailing experience required!
Our Open Adventure voyage is for youth of all ages – for people looking for an amazing sea-going adventure. Sail on Western Australia’s own and largest tall ship – the STS Leeuwin II – sailing along some of Western Australia’s most spectacular coastline and through its pristine waters.
Your voyage starts in Monkey Mia, Shark Bay – inscribed as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1991 and included on Australia’s National Heritage List in May 2007. You will sail south along the infamous Zuytdorp Cliffs towards the equally well known Houtman Abrolhos Islands, a chain of 122 islands and associated coral reefs, to the Midwest port City of Geraldton.
We run a working ship, so during the voyage you will be part of hands-on activities, from:
- Navigating the ship and taking the helm
- Setting and furling the sails
- Climbing the masts and working aloft
- Standing watch while sailing through the night

2. Youth Explorer Voyage
The Leeuwin Youth Explorer voyages are the greatest tall ship adventure for youth.
The week-long voyages depart and arrive predominantly from Fremantle Port however the ship travels to Shark Bay in the North and Albany in the South.
Our voyages enable you to surround yourself with active new friends, develop skills for the workplace and to test your personal limits.
A day on board
We run a working ship, so during the voyage you will be part of a whole heap of hands-on activities, from:
- Navigating the ship and taking the helm
- Setting and furling the sails
- Climbing the masts and working aloft
- Standing watch while sailing through the night
During the last full day of the voyage it’s over to you. Together, you’ll nominate a ship’s crew from within your teams – who has shown leadership, team management and capability? It could be you. Test your knowledge and skills and work together to chart the ship’s course to a new anchorage.

3. Tall Ship 3-Hour Sail
Our tall-ship sails on the STS Leeuwin II are an adventure for the whole family. Not only will you and your family be able to experience sailing on an 1850’s style barquentine ship, you will learn about our Youth Leadership Voyages and meet the crew who sail throughout the year.
We invite those of all ages can join in the activities, no sailing experience is required however we are an active sailing ship, so a low level of fitness is good to have. Help our crew haul the lines, take the helm and why not try some climbing aloft? If you just want to enjoy the Fremantle coastline from the unique vantage point of the ocean at twilight, that’s okay too!

Where: Sail Fremantle – Fremantle
Depart from B Shed, Victoria Quay
Program Facilitator onboard to talk you through the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure programs, coordinate youth activities and offer you a tour of the ship.
Light refreshments, tea and coffee provided
Costs $40 – 99

Tall Ship 3-Hour Sail - SCHEDULE 2018-19
28-Oct-18 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
18-Nov-18 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
1-Dec-18 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm (Bunbury)
27-Dec-18 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
27-Dec-18 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm
30-Dec-18 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
31-Dec-18 - DAY SAIL - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
26-Jan-19 - DAY SAIL - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
28-Jan-19 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
2-Feb-19 - DAY SAIL - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
3-Feb-19 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
3-Feb-19 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm
9-Feb-19 - DAY SAIL - 4:00pm to 7:00pm
17-Feb-19 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm
9-Mar-19 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm
23-Mar-19 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
23-Mar-19 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm
24-Mar-19 - DAY SAIL - 10:00am to 1:00pm
24-Mar-19 - DAY SAIL - 3:00pm to 6:00pm

For bookings and enquiries, please visit


FREMANTLE B Berth, Peter Hughes Drive,


The Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation is located in B Shed, Victoria Quay and is easily accessible by foot or the free CAT buses.



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