Browse WA Accommodation

Broome Dinosaur Experience


Come and walk with dinosaurs on one of Broome's beaches. Stand next to where a giant Sauropod or carnivorous Theropod stood 130 million years ago.

Are you the owner?

For assistance with your booking call 1300 885 775 (+61 8 9460 4900)



Learn about what Broome was like then and the dinosaurs that roamed here. Your guide will be Dianne Ben­nett. Dianne works close­ly with palaeon­tol­o­gists from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land and is a mem­ber of Dinosaur Coast Man­age­ment Group.

Dianne will advise on the loca­tion as the best spots change dai­ly as the sands move with the tides. Tours are walk­ing tours, sol­id shoes that can get wet are rec­om­mend­ed and trans­port to loca­tions is not provided.


12A Crocker Way Cable Beach WA 6725,



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