Boulder Town Hall
The Boulder Town Hall was built in 1908 and demonstrates the architectural style of the prosperous gold rush days. This beautifully preserved heritage listed hall, with pressed tin ceilings and filigree wrought iron balustrades, became famous as the host venue for celebrity performers such as Dame Nellie Melba, Eileen ...Joyce, Joan Sutherland and even the rock band AC/DC. The multifaceted hall was the main focus of community life in Boulder.Guided tours now available on Tuesday and Thursday at 10.30am, costs Adults $10, Concessions $8 and children under 16 years of age $4.For more information, contact 08 9021 9817. view more info
Hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00am to 4:00pm.
The Boulder Town Hall is an imposing brick and stone building with a clock tower, originally comprising of municipal offices, a council chamber, library, main hall, theatre and eight dressing rooms, costing a total of £11,200 to construct.
The hall is also home to the Goatcher Curtain, Local History Archives and the Goldfields War Museum.
The rare and famous Goatcher Curtain, believed to be the last remaining working stage curtain of its kind in Australia, was created by the internationally renowned theatre artist Philip Goatcher. This spectacular curtain depicts the scene of the Bay of Naples and has hung in the hall since 1908.
The Local History Archives contains a wide collection of research material including council documents, historical books, microfiche index of births, deaths and marriages since 1841 and a well-stocked local and military history specialist library.
The Goldfields War Museum will be an enriching experience for anyone with an interest in Australia’s history and warfare. Walk through the exhibition and discover the significant involvement residents of the town made during the Boer War, World Wars I and II, through to the 21st Century. Examine photographs, documents and original artefacts to gain an in-depth understanding of the wars and how they impacted on those enlisted and on the home-front.
Burt Street, Boulder WA 6432, Australia,
Located at 116 Burt Street, Boulder.
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